The most Comprehensive College Planning Firm in Orange County with over 25 years of expert admissions experience to top US Colleges
#1 Trusted Firm for Maximizing Scholarships & Grants by OC Families100's of 5 star reviews with 25+
Years of Expert Admissions Experience
Ultimate “Meet & Strategize” Session – 30 Minutes
Of Our Students Get Into 3 of Their Top 5 College Choices
20% Discount
Off Our Unlimited Sessions & Support for Admissions, Essays, Scholarships, FAFSA, & CSS- Profile
Expert Step by Step College Counseling
Which strategies are you currently applying to increase your student’s chances in this competitive admissions process?
It’s more than just completing an application. It’s about increasing your odds of success. Success in getting accepted into the right schools, not just any school. It’s about knowing all your options and how to approach them. More importantly, it’s about PEACE OF MIND and believing that you are in the right hands.
Over 95% of our students are admitted to three of their top five college choices.
Specialist In Scholarships & Grants
What strategies are available to your specific family’s situation to increase your chances of winning/obtaining more Scholarships & Grants?
Scholarships and financial aid for college (we do not consider loans as financial aid) are not limited to students with financial need.
Scholarships guidance includes sound advice on how to apply, win, and INCREASE many MERIT based Scholarships as well as NEED based Financial Aid.
Additionally, we will calculate your COA & EFC accurately and help to successfully complete and process all due financial aid forms such as FAFSA, CSS-Profile, etc. and negotiate with each college to ensure adequate funding for 4 years.
Regardless of your financial circumstances, we help to secure and INCREASE your Merit and Need based funds from your target colleges and to effectively reduce your college costs.

A brief list of colleges our students attend

WORTH EVERY CENT! During a very overwhelming and emotional time of college applications in addition to attending numerous seminars examining the college financial aid process, I am so thankful to have found my counselor. Your thorough knowledge of the college applications and financial aid system and your personal assistance every step of the process was a life saver. You are also easy to work with and truly cares! I would highly recommend utilizing your services.
After several years of continued help and support, it is my sincere pleasure to recommend you as a college advisor. Since I first retained your help to simplify the mess of red tape that is the college admissions and aid process, you have always made yourself available to guide me through the maze and take care of the numerous details. With your help, I was able to attend and minimize the cost of a prestigious private university, and, as such, I would like to continue by retaining you to help my sister, a soon to be freshman. You are professional, courteous, and (above all) a true asset, and I recommend you to anyone interested in making the college planning process easier while saving money at the same time.
Paula’s assistance to us with our daughter’s university education application & financing was especially timely. Coming back from 10 of the previous 12 years overseas in the military and with one daughter already in university, we were in less than the best condition to support for our second daughter’s university plans. You helped us prioritize, get our finances in order, and get the most out of our time. You are honest and the most dedicated person I know.
20% Off The Specialist’s Ultimate Admissions, Scholarships, & Financial Aid Counseling with UNLIMITED Sessions & Support -Limited Time Only
Did you know?
In California, according to NACAC, the average student to school counselor ratio is 482 to 1 – nearly double the 250 to 1 ratio recommended by the American School Counselor Association. Moreover, majority of our high school students are too stressed, under prepared, and do not have an effective or adequate individualized plan to stand out in the vast pool of competitive college applicants.